What is SII
The Spanish e-reporting is one of the 14 EU Member States having, or in the process of it, introduced “Digital Reporting Requirements” (DRR), as described in volume 1 of the report dedicated to the “VAT in the Digital Age” by the European Commission.
SII is just the obligation to electronically provide relevant VAT data referred to issued and received invoices to the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT), in a certain format and time. Among the possible options, Spain’s SII qualifies as a “Continuous Transaction Control” system following the “real time” modality.
Contrary to what happens in other DRR options, SII does not involve the use of mandatory e-invoices. It is however to be mentioned that, when the intended Spanish e-invoice regulation for the private sector is implemented (foreseen for 2024), reporting obligations resulting therefrom will be integrated within the SII for the case of taxpayers within its scope.
The “Immediate Information Supply”, or SII, refers to the obligation affecting some qualifying taxpayers to electronically file the data contained in their VAT registers at the website of the Spanish Tax Agency on, almost, real time basis.
The Royal Decree 596/2016, of 2 December, for the modernization, improvement and promotion of the use of electronic means in the management of the Value Added Tax. Among other novelties, the obligation to file in almost “real time” basis the data corresponding to all the transactions included at the VAT books introduced the, so-called, “Immediate Information System” or SII. The filing is to be made electronically through the website of the Spanish Tax Agency.
This obligation has been in force since 1st July 2017, although affecting to transactions incurred since 1rst January 2017. It affects companies, resident or not, having to file monthly VAT returns, namely:

Those considered as “large entrepreneurs” for VAT purposes
(turnover in Spain over EUR 6.000.000).

Those applying the so called REDEME
(special monthly VAT refund regime).

Those belonging to
Spanish VAT Groups.
It is also possible a voluntary option for the SII, since companies eligible for this system are excluded from certain VAT formal obligations and given longer dead lines for the filing of VAT returns. Also, companies obliged or having voluntarily applied for the SII are excluded from the obligation to use an invoicing software that complies with the Veri*factu Ordinance. See more to Certified Invoicing Software.
Companies within the scope of the SII are meant to submit at the website of the Spanish Tax Agency the required data in a XML file meeting the standards set by the authorities. The deadline to comply with this obligation is 4 days from the moment the sale invoices are issued or the received invoices are accounted for. The possibility to set up a webserver which automatize the filing procedure is contemplated by the authorities.
Want to know more about SII?
Official site
SII Portal
Virtual assistant
Deadline calculator
General information
Native solution

The ERP of the company includes a SII module able to generate the required SII reports in XML format which meets the technical requirements of the Spanish tax authorities, do the filing at its website and the follow up of incidences.
Read more to services
– In case that an external support was required, our IT and VAT specialists can support your internal IT, VAT and financial departments in order to:
a) The parameterization of the master data of your ERP so to allow generating the required SII XML’s files for the compliance with the SII reporting.
b) Addressing to the incidences which may arise during the SII filing process or resulting from the filed SII reports (see the heading of the menu of our outsourcing SII service)
The provision of these services will be supported by the use our tool PlatformVAT SII (you can ask for a demo at the corresponding heading of the Menu if interested to know more of this tool).
– Enhancing the features of the internal SII reporting solution through the use of our tool PlatformVAT SII (you can ask for a demo at the corresponding heading of the Menu if interested to know more of this tool).
External solution

An external add on SII solution to be integrated with the ERP of the company so it is able to generate the required SII reports in XML format which meets the technical requirements of the Spanish tax authorities, do the filing at its website and the follow up of incidences.
Read more to services
In case that an external support was required, our IT and VAT specialists can support your internal IT, VAT and financial departments in order to:
a) The parameterization of the master data of your ERP so to allow the chosen external solution to generate the required SII XML’s files for the compliance with the SII reporting.
b) Addressing to the incidences which may arise during the SII filing process or resulting from the filed SII reports (see the heading of the menu of our outsourcing SII service).
The provision of these services will be supported by the use our tool PlatformVAT SII (you can ask for a demo at the corresponding heading of the Menu if interested to know more of this tool).
– Enhancing the features of the external SII reporting solution through the use of our tool PlatformVAT SII (you can ask for a demo at the corresponding heading of the Menu if interested to know more of this tool).
Outsourcing SII

Outsourcing the compliance with the SII obligations fully or partiably with an external service provider that takes care such obligations on behalf of the company.
Read more to services
Full SII outsourcing service:
Depending of the circumstances, it may not be worthwhile for the company that its IT department develops an internal SII reporting solution nor that an external alternative is implemented, either native as may be the SII reporting solution offered by the licensor of the ERP used by the company, or bolt-on such as the licensing of an external SII reporting solution provided by a third party that may be connected to the ERP of the company so to automate the reporting process.
For this case we offer our full SII outsourcing service whereby we take care of the compliance on behalf of the company of the compliance with its SII obligations. We provide this service through our solution PlatformVAT SII (you can ask for a demo at the corresponding heading of the Menu if interested to know more of this tool).
SII supporting service:
For the case that the company has already a SII reporting solution and takes care of its SII reporting obligations may still been interested in an external support for addressing to the incidences which may arise during the SII filing process or resulting from the filed SII reports.
The provision of this service will be supported by the use our tool PlatformVAT SII (you can ask for a demo at the corresponding heading of the Menu if interested to know more of this tool).
Licensing of PlatformVAT SII:
The company may be interested in our tool PlatformVAT SII as a external SII reporting tool for the compliance with its SII obligations, which would also would allow accessing to its enhanced features such a reconciliation tool or a VAT return reporting module.
You can ask for a demo at the corresponding heading of the Menu if interested to know more of this tool and its enhanced features.

Request a demo
Find out how PlatformVAT SII will get the right data from your ERP report, transform it to SII XML format and organize your SII routines.
Preliminary SII review
We have adopted a very practical approach when designing our protocol for those new clients looking for a decision of its optimal SII solution and, once decided, the implementation of the same.
In our opinion, those companies newly coming under the scope of the Spanish SII in Spain should carry-out a “preliminary SII review” the aim of which should be to check the status quo of its ERP system from the point of view of its suitability to provide the required SII metadata, regardless of the definitive solution that may be adopted.
The findings resulting such a “preliminary SII review” aiming the company to guaranty that it can start filling the SII reports since the date when from such obligation starts regardless of the fact that a definitive SII solution cannot be implement before such a date.
So the company should have an alternative plan (“interim scenario”) for the case that the decision and implementation of a final solution cannot be achieved before the moment is obliiged to start filling SII reports (“optimum scenario”).
Additionally, the work done on the “preliminary SII review” should not be lost, regardless of the as it would always help implementing the final solution that is decided.
The carrying out of our “preliminary SII review” will be carried out by a multidisciplinary team of IT/VAT expert professionals with the use of the our solution Platformvat SII.
The outcome of this review would be a “report” which would allow the company to conclude on two main points:
- The capability of the company to implement a SII solution before the date its SII obligations start (the starting date).
- If negative, the capability of the company to adopt an interim solution where SII reports can be generated before the starting date out of the existing data with a minimum of implementation changes.
Decision of the SII solution to adopt (not necessarily before the starting date).
About us
Manuel Pérez de Algaba
Indirect Tax Partner
Gloria Rodríguez
Financial Manager
Pablo Luján
Indirect Tax Partner
Eder Cruz
IT Manager